Steve's family!
Her play kitchen was a hit!
Collin loved his Alligator we got him!
Christmas morning we woke up and Santa came! G got a kitchen, a shopping cart, baby dolls, so many clothes, balls, a pink bike, slippers, boots that light up when she walks, and so much more! We had a delicious breakfast. I was craving pancakes! It was so nice just to relax and just enjoy the moment. I loved being home with my family. The house was warm, the smell of coffee in the air, wrapping paper everywhere, the rain hitting the windows, Christmas music playing, my daughter running around in her Christmas pajamas playing with all her toys, and her little voice laughing. I wished at that very moment, I could have stopped time.
Later that day, we headed over to Aunt Jackie's for Christmas dinner. We had such an amazing time hanging out with all our cousins. I'm sad it's all over. It went by so fast.
My house is finally clean and organized. I'm going to leave my tree up until the 1st. I love all my decorations, lights, and hate taking it all down because then my house looks so bare.
Hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas! I can't wait to start a new year. Hope everyone has a safe and Happy New Year!!! We are staying home with our little girl, and Steve is going to cook dinner, and he ordered some really good wines. We will wait for the ball to drop at midnight.
HAPPY 2011!!! See you all next year!