All the cousins together. We went to Chinese food at the Dragon Inn this night. So yummy!

This makes me want to cry! Mary got dropped off in the morning, and when Georgie saw her she screamed and then got up in the chair and they hugged.

I was watching Mary for sis Friday night, so she could meet some friends at the City Cafe for dinner. These little girls had a ball! We had KFC for dinner and watched Barney... So FUN:) ha!

I love this.

I really have nothing exciting to blog about! But I think that it's so funny because my beautiful niece, Mary, always tells complete strangers that her and Georgie are sisters!!! It is so funny, sometimes embarrassing, because it is a huge lie! I always have to correct her and say, "you girls are cousins." Well, sometimes, I go along with her little lie just to humor her little self. They love each other so much. Mary is loving and so gentle, and such a good little "sister". The other day though we were in the car and she said, "Aunt Maggie, I think you need to take your baby back to the baby shop and get a new one!" If only it was that easy! :) That wasn't the first time she had said that either. Sometimes she gets frustrated with her because Georgie sometimes bothers her toys or pulls her long beautiful hair! Georgie already wants to go pee pee on the potty. Of course, just like Mary! She thinks she is so big, but last I checked she was only 15 months!!! I'm so glad they have each other and hope their friendship continues to grow. Even though they aren't sisters they kinda really are. My sister and I have such a special bond, and I think that if she wants G to be her sister then we should just let her keep telling people they are "sisters."

Peanut loves her too! And always has to be in the mix.

Sis looks mad, but still so cute. I think she was tired and sick of the camera.

So sweet.
These two are so cute and so lucky to have each other. Even if they aren't really sisters they are close enough!