I'm truly blessed and am SO lucky and SO fortunate to be able stay home with my precious baby. I remind myself everyday that I could have to drop her off at daycare at 8 a.m. and pick her up at 5p.m. and be at work all day.I love being with her and seeing all her new developments, new words, see the new vegetables or fruits she gets to try and the way she looks at me when I come in her room to get her out of her crib after her long afternoon nap. I can't thank my boyfriend enough for working so hard for us. We shop (not that much) meet friends/family for lunch, hang out with our Nana and all her Aunts and cousins. Some days we just relax at home and I clean or organize something. I think I'm a little OCD. I take her to the park and by the way she loves to swing! We do our grocery shopping, wash my car, go to Walter Mac (my trainer) she gets to go and I love that! I watch some TV, plan dinner meals, I try and cook 4-5 days a week, bake and we do her schooling. Yes, we do, "MY BABY CAN READ". She was off for summer vaca but now we are in full force. I want her to be the smartest baby ever! Well, I just wanted everyone to know how blessed and how grateful I am to be a stay at home mom and how I never take 1 day for granted. I'm sure one day, I'll go back to work when all my children are grown and in school but I'm cherishing these moments because I know I'll never get these moments back ever! I really think I was put on this earth to be a mother. It's funny how life turns out... everything really does happen for a reason. I love being a mom and think I'm doing a pretty good job at it and I hope Georgie thinks so too. I love her so much and am so BLESSED!
Yes M'am you are is she, to have you for a mama!! I love she got a summer vaca from her schooling...I should totally be doing "MY BABY SHOULD READ" too...what a horrible mother I am being!