1. She's spontaneous.... I wish I was.
2. She's extremely talented!
3. She's going to be famous one day!
4. She's so funny that at times I pee my pants.
5. She has the biggest feet ever! Sorry, Linds.
6. She will try anything.
7. She can keep a secret.
8. We love our moms and tell them almost everything.
9. She loves Jesus and has taught me a lot about him.
10. She's a nomad. She can live anywhere and move every 6 months!
11. She will be an amazing mother one day.
12. She is so beautiful and has the most beautiful heart.
13. She loves lip gloss.
14. She never judges me and knows everything about me.
15. I can be real with her and am so comfortable around her.
16. We can go weeks, months, with never talking maybe an occasionally text and still leave off right where we started.
17. She stands up for what she believes in.
18. She loves my baby.
19. She can sing!
20. She loves her family.
21. She is an Aunt and is called, "Aunt Sissy"
22. She always has a new job. I can never keep track of where is is working.
23. She is such a free spirit.
24. She could be a Victoria Secret model.
25. She loves gum and doesn't like to share.
26. She is one of my best friends and I know we will be friends forever!
I love you Lindsey. I hope you have an amazing birthday. I'm blessed to have you in my life and as my friend.
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