Monday, August 30, 2010

North Star in Tahoe!

We had such a wonderful time in Tahoe. We went wine tasting, shopping, had amazing dinners and lunches and just hung out with the people we love! Georgie was such a good girl and Aunt Nikki helped me out so much.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Tahoe City here we come!

Goodbye Yuba City!!!
We are off to Tahoe City for a few days.
Aren't you jealous?

Saturday, August 21, 2010

I got FAT and my peeps too!

I think we need to stop eating so many cheeseburgers, ice cream and fries!!!! HA HA! Can you tell I'm bored out of my mind?! I have been a blogging fool lately. My boyfriend is golfing, Georgie is napping and I am so ridiculously BORED! I guess, I know what I would look like if I was A FAT COW (not that I'm so skinny!) If you have the iPhone download "FAT BOOTH". It's hilarious! I think my family and boyfriend are sick of me turning them into FAT PEOPLE! (I even tried to do Peanut, my Yorkie.) It didn't work out very well. A cheeseburger sounds kinda good right now! I better be careful.... I look like a SCARY, FAT, P. I. G!

Friday, August 20, 2010

Tuesday night can't come soon enought!!!


Steve got Michael Buble tickets for my mom and me for Mother's Day! We have been waiting for this night to come and finally, Tuesday night at 8p.m. we will be at the Arco Areno to watch our favorite singer of all times perform!!! We can't wait for Tuesday night!

Thursday, August 19, 2010


I'm truly blessed and am SO lucky and SO fortunate to be able stay home with my precious baby. I remind myself everyday that I could have to drop her off at daycare at 8 a.m. and pick her up at 5p.m. and be at work all day.I love being with her and seeing all her new developments, new words, see the new vegetables or fruits she gets to try and the way she looks at me when I come in her room to get her out of her crib after her long afternoon nap. I can't thank my boyfriend enough for working so hard for us. We shop (not that much) meet friends/family for lunch, hang out with our Nana and all her Aunts and cousins. Some days we just relax at home and I clean or organize something. I think I'm a little OCD. I take her to the park and by the way she loves to swing! We do our grocery shopping, wash my car, go to Walter Mac (my trainer) she gets to go and I love that! I watch some TV, plan dinner meals, I try and cook 4-5 days a week, bake and we do her schooling. Yes, we do, "MY BABY CAN READ". She was off for summer vaca but now we are in full force. I want her to be the smartest baby ever! Well, I just wanted everyone to know how blessed and how grateful I am to be a stay at home mom and how I never take 1 day for granted. I'm sure one day, I'll go back to work when all my children are grown and in school but I'm cherishing these moments because I know I'll never get these moments back ever! I really think I was put on this earth to be a mother. It's funny how life turns out... everything really does happen for a reason. I love being a mom and think I'm doing a pretty good job at it and I hope Georgie thinks so too. I love her so much and am so BLESSED!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Look who is a big girl!

I have never slept so well since Georgie has been sleeping in her crib. I put her in her crib between 9 and 10 after a full belly of rice cereal and a bottle. I tell her, "It's time to go night night in your crib since you're a big girl now." An occasional cry (nothing too heartbreaking) and she is out! She doesn't even wake up in the night and today the sleepy head woke up at 10:15a.m?! I'm so proud of her and can't believe FINALLY she is in her own crib. If I knew it was going to be this easy I would have done this months ago. It's mind blowing to me that she is almost 9 months. It seems like yesterday, that we were bringing her home from the hospital. I love you Georgie and mommy is so proud of you! Now off to go start dinner and pick up the house before daddy gets home.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Happy Birthday Lindsey Cook!!!

These are the only pictures I could find on this computer of Lindsey. I don't have a scanner anymore to scan some really good ones but these are good enough! Happy birthday Lindsey Cook you truly are an amazing friend and I'm going to share a few things that I love about you...... here goes!

1. She's spontaneous.... I wish I was.
2. She's extremely talented!
3. She's going to be famous one day!
4. She's so funny that at times I pee my pants.
5. She has the biggest feet ever! Sorry, Linds.
6. She will try anything.
7. She can keep a secret.
8. We love our moms and tell them almost everything.
9. She loves Jesus and has taught me a lot about him.
10. She's a nomad. She can live anywhere and move every 6 months!
11. She will be an amazing mother one day.
12. She is so beautiful and has the most beautiful heart.
13. She loves lip gloss.
14. She never judges me and knows everything about me.
15. I can be real with her and am so comfortable around her.
16. We can go weeks, months, with never talking maybe an occasionally text and still leave off right where we started.
17. She stands up for what she believes in.
18. She loves my baby.
19. She can sing!
20. She loves her family.
21. She is an Aunt and is called, "Aunt Sissy"
22. She always has a new job. I can never keep track of where is is working.
23. She is such a free spirit.
24. She could be a Victoria Secret model.
25. She loves gum and doesn't like to share.
26. She is one of my best friends and I know we will be friends forever!

I love you Lindsey. I hope you have an amazing birthday. I'm blessed to have you in my life and as my friend.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Life is too short!

We had such a busy weekend! Friday afternoon we had a funeral:( Our dear friend Barbara died. She was Aunt Jackie's best friend! She was only 55?! She was ALWAYS so nice to me and loved Georgie. She was at every family function and we all loved her so much.When I called her last Sunday at the hospital to check on her the first thing she asked me was, "how is Georgie?" Here she is so sick and asks me that?! I'm glad I told her I loved her when we hung up. I really didn't think she was going to pass away and that would be our last conversation. Life is too short. Cherish everyday like it's your last. She will be so missed. She was so fun and so full of life! I still can't believe she is gone! I love you Barb. I know life goes on but death is so hard for me to understand?

I need to go to bed so I'll finish my post by saying that Saturday we went to Roseville for a 1 year old birthday. Kinsley Winter, is just adorable and had the perfect birthday! It was so fun and I can't wait to throw Georgie's birthday! I know summer is coming to an end. I'm sad. I know all my Nephews aren't looking forward to starting school but I think my sisters are ready to get their routine back. I hope everyone has a great week and happy first day of school to all my handsome Nephews. They are going to look sharp in their new clothes and cool vans.

Friday, August 6, 2010

Looking forward to Saturday Night!

So my high school reunion is this Saturday night! I'm really excited to see some of my best friends and to see the friends I haven't seen in like 10 years!!! We have a babysitter and I have a new dress and I am ready to do this! I'll let you know how the night goes. It truly doesn't seem possible to be out of high school for 10 years. It's really true, time goes by so fast! Happy Friday everyone!