1. I'm so sad about Japan. I cry when I watch the news.
2. I can't believe someone got shot at the
ihop in
Yuba City. I go there a lot with my family for pancakes. So unbelievably scary!
3. I'm over the rain!
4. My house is a mess and I don't care.
5. I feel like the luckiest person in the world that I am a mother.
6. I'm starving....again! I'm craving Olive Garden but Steve hates it! Who wants to go?
7. I donated about 6 garbage bags full of clothes. Feels great.
8. I need to go through my storage unit next and organize and give away more stuff!
9. I can't wait for farmers market to start again. I love tomatoes & fresh flowers!
10. I can't wait to have my own home.
11. I want a new car. Steve says that I can get one before Christmas!
12. I just paid off my last credit card and will never ever charge again.
13. I'm so grateful for my family.
14. Health insurance is so ridiculously expensive. I just opened a bill from the doctor and we have insurance and the bill is outrageous!
15. I love working with my sister.
16. I'm lucky to stay home with the baby so much and only work 3 days a week. I feel so blessed!
17. Gas is so expensive!
18.I'm sad Oprah is almost over.
19. I want to go to the movies so bad and see about 10 flicks.
20. I feel so content in my life.
21. We may be moving out of
Yuba and I'm kinda excited!
Yuba City will always be home, but ready to get out of here and have change.
22. I love the ocean.
23. I started yoga and love it!
24. I need to go to bed earlier.
25. The rain is making me feel like %$*#@!
26. I have been in really bad moods lately. I think it's the weather. After Christmas I'm ready for summer.
27. I have horrible cramps.
28. I need to start cooking more. I hate our stove though. I try and cook at least 4 nights a week.
29. I need to go get a new cell phone. To be honest though, I really do like not having one. I love not being able to check my email,
facebook, missed calls etc. hourly.
30. Why when you're a mom you constantly feel guilty or feel like you can be better?
31. I can't wait to have more children!
32. The Rock in
Roseville is AMAZING!
33. I keep waking up every morning at 5!
34. I want to cut my hair and just need to do it! I need a change.
35. I love my family and so unbelievably grateful for their unconditional love.
36. I love all my sisters.
37. I hope my daughter is nice to everyone.
38. I love the weekends.
39. So excited for this weekend!
40. Aunt Jack leaves for Kenya Sunday. We will miss her!
41. So blessed my family is
42. Need to stop drinking so much coffee and diet soda.
43. I'm reading a great book called, 90 minutes in heaven! I love it so far.
44.I have changed at least 4 diapers today before noon.
45. But so happy and just need to get out of my FUNK!!!!